REM REM Demo implementing Zeller's Congruence REM REM REM March 2009 - PvE. REM Revised december 2009. REM Revised may 2010. INPUT "Enter day of the month (1-31): ", q IF q > 31 OR q < 1 THEN PRINT "Day must be within 1-31!" END ENDIF INPUT "Enter month (1-12): ", m IF m > 12 OR m < 1 THEN PRINT "Month must be within 1-12!" END ENDIF INPUT "Enter year: ", year$ REM the LET statement is optional LET J = VAL(LEFT$(year$, 2)) LET K = VAL(MID$(year$, 3, 2)) IF m EQ 1 OR m EQ 2 THEN INCR m, 12 DECR K ENDIF REM Here the LET is omitted h = (q + ((m+1)*26)/10 + K + (K/4) + (J/4) + 5*J) day = MOD(h, 7) SELECT day CASE 0 PRINT "That is a Saturday." CASE 1 PRINT "That is a Sunday." CASE 2 PRINT "That is a Monday." CASE 3 PRINT "That is a Tuesday." CASE 4 PRINT "That is a Wednesday." CASE 5 PRINT "That is a Thursday." CASE 6 PRINT "That is a Friday." END SELECT